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Portfolio : séisme de 2010 au Chili

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Publié le 13 avril 2010
Le 27 février dernier, un séisme de magnitude 8,8 sur l'échelle du moment a causé d'importants dégâts au Chili. Diego Grez, correspondant de Wikinews sur place, se trouvait à Pichilemu au moment du tremblement de terre. Quatre jours après la catastrophe, nous l'avions rencontré pour savoir quelle était la situation. Il nous transmis ses images sur les conséquences du séisme.


Des personnes campent à Pichilemu. De petites cabanes de fortune ont été construites.
Des personnes campent à Pichilemu. De petites cabanes de fortune ont été construites.
Church of Santa Cruz, after the February earthquake.
Church of Santa Cruz, after the February earthquake.
The Arturo Prat square before and after the earthquake and tsunami combo, in Pichilemu.
The Arturo Prat square before and after the earthquake and tsunami combo, in Pichilemu.
Boat after tsunami in Pichilemu.
Boat after tsunami in Pichilemu.
Military representatives in La Cruz Hill, Pichilemu, after the March earthquake.
Military representatives in La Cruz Hill, Pichilemu, after the March earthquake.
On-scene militaries on a truck, in Lolol, after the March earthquake.
On-scene militaries on a truck, in Lolol, after the March earthquake.
Destroyed balaustrades and the ceiling of a kiosk over another balaustrades, near the beach of Pichilemu.
Destroyed balaustrades and the ceiling of a kiosk over another balaustrades, near the beach of Pichilemu.
Lolol church after the March earthquake.
Lolol church after the March earthquake.
Many houses in Lolol were declared Historic Monuments of Chile. This is one of many, that are going to be demolished.
Many houses in Lolol were declared Historic Monuments of Chile. This is one of many, that are going to be demolished.
Destroyed cabanas Mirador by the tsunami in Pichilemu, and also by a kiosk/container.
Destroyed cabanas Mirador by the tsunami in Pichilemu, and also by a kiosk/container.
Cars running to La Cruz Hill in Pichilemu, some hours after the earthquake and tsunami.
Cars running to La Cruz Hill in Pichilemu, some hours after the earthquake and tsunami.
Chilean Singer Joe Vasconcellos did a free solidary tour in Chile after the Pichilemu and Maule earthquakes. In the picture, during his performance in La Cruz Hill, Pichilemu.
Chilean Singer Joe Vasconcellos did a free solidary tour in Chile after the Pichilemu and Maule earthquakes. In the picture, during his performance in La Cruz Hill, Pichilemu.
House in front of the Main Beach of Pichilemu after the tsunami and earthquake combo.
House in front of the Main Beach of Pichilemu after the tsunami and earthquake combo.
Bucalemu was severely impacted by the earthquake-tsunami combo that hit Chile in February. Picture taken after the March earthquake.
Bucalemu was severely impacted by the earthquake-tsunami combo that hit Chile in February. Picture taken after the March earthquake.
Many houses were destroyed after the earthquake in Lolol, because they were very old and made with very rustic materials.
Many houses were destroyed after the earthquake in Lolol, because they were very old and made with very rustic materials.
Another destroyed house, some meters behind the Lolol church.
Another destroyed house, some meters behind the Lolol church.
Pichilemu costanera, the day of the earthquake and tsunami.
Pichilemu costanera, the day of the earthquake and tsunami.
The most of the balaustrades around the Ross Park, in Pichilemu, were destroyed after the 2010 Pichilemu earthquake.
The most of the balaustrades around the Ross Park, in Pichilemu, were destroyed after the 2010 Pichilemu earthquake.
Destroyed kiosks after the tsunami in Pichilemu.
Destroyed kiosks after the tsunami in Pichilemu.
Just one kiosk and some bathrooms in front of the Arturo Prat Square survived the tsunami in Pichilemu.
Just one kiosk and some bathrooms in front of the Arturo Prat Square survived the tsunami in Pichilemu.
The Cahuil Bridge was severely damaged after both Chilean earthquakes in 2010. It is broken at the half and is a serious danger to the motorists.
The Cahuil Bridge was severely damaged after both Chilean earthquakes in 2010. It is broken at the half and is a serious danger to the motorists.
Several houses were destroyed in the town of Bucalemu, almost 40 kilometers from Pichilemu. In the picture, a house that was located in front of the beach, later throwed in the half of the roadway.
Several houses were destroyed in the town of Bucalemu, almost 40 kilometers from Pichilemu. In the picture, a house that was located in front of the beach, later throwed in the half of the roadway.
Cobquecura, epicentre of the February earthquake.
Cobquecura, epicentre of the February earthquake.
The building Alto Río, in Concepción, collapsed after the February earthquake.
The building Alto Río, in Concepción, collapsed after the February earthquake.
A severely damaged building in Maipú.
A severely damaged building in Maipú.
Collapsed Vespucio Norte Express Highway in Santiago, after the February earthquake.
Collapsed Vespucio Norte Express Highway in Santiago, after the February earthquake.
The damaged Museum of Contemporary Art, after the February earthquake.
The damaged Museum of Contemporary Art, after the February earthquake.
Aftermath after the February earthquake and tsunami in San Antonio.
Aftermath after the February earthquake and tsunami in San Antonio.
Damaged Autopista del Maipo, near the city of Chada.
Damaged Autopista del Maipo, near the city of Chada.
People trying to buy gasoline, in Chillán.
People trying to buy gasoline, in Chillán.
Fire in the University of Concepción, after the February earthquake.
Fire in the University of Concepción, after the February earthquake.
Destroyed houses in the Maule Region.
Destroyed houses in the Maule Region.
Fire in a plastic factory, in Ruta 5 Norte.
Fire in a plastic factory, in Ruta 5 Norte.
Chillán's Medialuna, after the February earthquake.
Chillán's Medialuna, after the February earthquake.
House in Pelluhue after the February earthquake.
House in Pelluhue after the February earthquake.
President Barack Obama holds conference call from the Situation Room of the White House concerning the February earthquake.
President Barack Obama holds conference call from the Situation Room of the White House concerning the February earthquake.
President Sebastián Piñera visits ONEMI after the February earthquake.
President Sebastián Piñera visits ONEMI after the February earthquake.
Affected zones by the February earthquake.
Affected zones by the February earthquake.
Map of Chile, showing February earthquake epicenter.
Map of Chile, showing February earthquake epicenter.
USGS shake map of the February earthquake.
USGS shake map of the February earthquake.
February tsunami ETA NOAA (hour 0=06:34 UTC Feb 27)
February tsunami ETA NOAA (hour 0=06:34 UTC Feb 27)
USGS shake map of the March earthquake.
USGS shake map of the March earthquake.
USGS shake map for the most strong aftershock before the March earthquake.
USGS shake map for the most strong aftershock before the March earthquake.
Animation de la propagation du tsunami causé par le séisme au Chili.

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