Utilisateur:Verdy p/vector.js

Une nouvelle de Wikinews, la source d'informations que vous pouvez écrire.

Note : après avoir publié vos modifications, il se peut que vous deviez forcer le rechargement complet du cache de votre navigateur pour voir les changements.

  • Firefox / Safari : maintenez la touche Maj (Shift) en cliquant sur le bouton Actualiser ou appuyez sur Ctrl + F5 ou Ctrl + R (⌘ + R sur un Mac).
  • Google Chrome : appuyez sur Ctrl + Maj + R (⌘ + Shift + R sur un Mac).
  • Internet Explorer / Edge : maintenez la touche Ctrl en cliquant sur le bouton Actualiser ou pressez Ctrl + F5.
  • Opera : appuyez sur Ctrl + F5.
if (!window.wiktLookup) wiktLookup = {};
// When enabled, only enable for sections enclosed by an element with a class name of wiktLookup-enable (ex <span class="wiktLookup-enable"> foo bar baz </span>).
// Note, the class name wiktLookup-disable is also recognized to disable looking up words on double click.
// true or false (default false).
wiktLookup.disableByDefault = false;
// Normally if you press shift, it stops the popup from coming up when double clicking.
// With this option, you have to press Shift and double click for the pop up to come up.
wiktLookup.reverseShift = true;
// A single (lowercase) letter to specify the Ctrl+Shift+key combo. Defaults to 'l'.
// For example if you put wiktLookup.key = 'b', Ctrl+Shift+b will look up any word thats highlighted.
// Note: sometimes the box will popup in weird places when looking up things by key combo.
wiktLookup.key = 'l';
// This is your user language. This is the language that the definition appears in (not the language that the word is assumed to be of).
// Don't mess with this unless you have a good reason. defaults to your mediawiki preference.
wiktLookup.preferLang = 'fr';
// Disable auto-redirection, for example disable mapping FOOD → food (not recomended).
wiktLookup.noRedir = true;
// integer, default to 1, the number of definitions to lookup.
wiktLookup.count = 3;
// 'link','bold','none', default to 'none'
wiktLookup.showWord = 'bold';
// One of true, false, autoplay. have audio pronounciation of word where available.
// Works in English and French.
wiktLookup.audio = false;
// Have a hide link on the popup. true or false (default false).
wiktLookup.exit = true;
// How many pixels high the maximun size of the box should be. defaults to about 420.
wiktLookup.height = 420;
// How many pixels wide the max size of box should be. defaults 180.
wiktLookup.width = 180;