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- can post to. It shows almost the entire history of the project and I still like browsing it. But I think the best part of Minetest is that it sets people...15 kio (2 022 mots) - 30 août 2023 à 09:29
- l'éclipsera pas » (We speak today in the shadow of terrorism but it will not obscure what we came here to achieve), « nous offrons aujourd'hui ce contraste entre...7 kio (873 mots) - 26 août 2011 à 22:46
- what I wanted to do. I was really excited about it! I started reading the GNOME Wiki, and it took me about two weeks to get up and running. WN : Quel...16 kio (2 313 mots) - 8 avril 2023 à 07:17
- First Dates (Channel 4) Gogglebox (Channel 4) I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here (ITV) The Secret Life of 5 Year Olds (Channel 4) Meilleur programme...11 kio (933 mots) - 8 mai 2016 à 22:49